Friday, November 22, 2013

What is Robotics

Today man has entered in the era of science and technology where we believe that nothing is impossible. In the 20th century science has made number of developments and have marked infinite milestone of success. Today man has reached moon and is exploring the universe. Science has provided mankind with number of machinery and equipment's and many gadgets that have helped in making human life easy and better. All these developments, machines have their own specifications and in between them there are certain machines that can be considered as ROBOTS.
Today's robotics systems operate by way of hydraulic, pneumatic, and electrical power. Electric motors have become progressively smaller, with high power-to-weight ratios, enabling them to become the dominant means by which robots are powered.
Now the question that arises is what is the
relation between science and Robotics? So let us answer this question before we move further in the book.
Science is a subject in which we study everything about life. Science is the field that was evolved due to very lovely questions ‘why & how‘? Man has always been very curious about this universe and life. He always wanted to know why we are living this life? What is the motive of life? How life goes on? Some more questions like, how things happen and why do they happen? Man’s curiosity for reason behind the circle of life forced him to try and find out answers to his endless questions.
One very famous quote says, “Necessity is the mother of invention”. Also one quote that I read in some movie promo says, “Imagination is the power you cannot imagine”. These two lines or quotes are the foundation of Science and Robotics.
Robotics is a field of science which came into existence due to the curiosity and creativity of man. It originated with the goal of building humanlike machines, but it grew far more than that. In the last three decades our conception and use of robots has evolved from the science fiction films to the reality of computer-controlled electromechanical devices integrated into a wide variety of industrial environments. Man is the most creative organism on earth and he always proved to be creative by making wonders in this universe which seems to be impossible to make.
Robotics can be considered to be the field of science that provides a platform for the implementation of ‘ELECTRONICS’. Robotics is a way of learning with a different concept of learning by experience. Where you first think, then study and then you implement your ideas and accordingly hand to hand you can see the result. Throughout this book we will learn how to implement the Electronics basics in the field of robotics. Robotics has helped mankind to understand the working of many electronics components or one can say that robotics has helped in implementing the concept of electronics in real and practical environment.
The present era is the time of development where electronics and all other fields of science has developed a lot and has explored almost everything. Electronics has provided mankind with the vital equipments of daily life like starting from calculators to computers, laptops and mobile phones etc. Electronics has made human life very easy. Electronics has laid the foundation of the concept of Artificial Intelligence.
In practical usage, a Robot is a mechanical device which performs automated tasks, either according to direct human supervision, a pre defined program or, a set of general guidelines. These tasks either replace or enhance human work, such as in manufacturing, construction or manipulation of heavy or hazardous materials.  A robot is a mechanical or virtual, artificial agent. A robot is usually an electro-mechanical system, which, by its appearance or movements, conveys a sense that it has intent or agency of its own. The word robot can refer to both physical robots and virtual software agents, but the latter are often referred to as bots.
Robotics, It is the science and technology of robots, their design, manufacture, and application. Robotics requires a working knowledge of electronics, mechanics and software, and is usually accompanied by a large working knowledge of many subjects. A person working in this field is called a ROBOTICIST

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